When writing fine literature, specialized word processors can help you stay on task, allowing you to shape your suspense-laden storyline and characters. To this end, we're examining four free authoring tools.
The Fairphone 2 strives for a balancing act. As an open platform it offers easy repair and freedom of choice in terms of its operating system, while trying to ensure raw material mining and production take place under fair conditions.
Routino is an offline route-planning application that uses OpenStreetMap data to calculate efficient and convenient routes. We discuss what this software can do.
KDE Plasma Activities remove the limitations of having a single desktop and allow you to have multiple environments with their own sets of launchers for applications, files, and URLs, each customized for a single purpose.
There is the idea that Linux and, by extension, Ubuntu, is only good for developers and experimenting. This perception is wrong.
The KDE Slimbook bolsters the ranks of Linux notebooks with this good-looking and powerful Ultrabook.
Ubuntu 17.04 offers almost no changes to the installation process. But, in case you are new to Ubuntu, we'll walk you through upgrading or installing the latest release.
Digital archives do away with the need for traditional filing cabinet storage. Even so, Paperwork tries to make your life easier.
With NetworkManager, you can access the Internet during the Ubuntu installation process. The first step is to download updates to make your system more secure.
GnuCash is a powerful financial accounting program that is well suited for both personal and small business finances.