Support for Open Source projects

© Linda Bucklin -

© Linda Bucklin -

Startup Help

Crowdfunding can distribute the load onto many participants when making large steps in development. We'll take a closer look at what you can learn from the process.

When you're involved in an open source project, you know the intense personal commitment you make to ensure its success. Many developers and users have experienced this personal commitment, but not all projects succeed relying on the passion and effort of its founders.

Not everyone can support a project or has the time to do so. Feedback from your peers doesn't do any harm, but it's not enough to sustain a project. One way to remedy this is through crowdfunding [1] , which can provide the resources and funding you need. The term is self-explanatory and refers to a common source of action.

Crowdfunding, however, can do more. For example, it can help clarify goals, but it requires assessing the proper support environment and involves a bit of luck. With enough persuasion, really (almost) nothing can stand in your way.


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