Write On!
In this issue, we take a look at some helpful publishing tools and then get serious about online privacy.
Lead Image © JonHelgason, 123RF.com
In this issue, we take a look at some helpful publishing tools and then get serious about online privacy.
In this issue of Ubuntu User , we'll be tackling not one, but two very interesting themes: We'll show you how to use your Ubuntu box to make headway into the publishing world, and then we'll show you how to efficiently handle your personal security and privacy online.
Continuing on from last issue's cover topic on how to get Ubuntu to help you develop your personal creativity, here we'll be looking at how to leverage writing and publishing tools to push forward your career as an author.
We'll look at what has been for years, nay decades, the golden standard for digital academic text formatting: LaTeX. And for good reason: LaTeX provides clean layouts, beautiful mathematical formulas, and now professional-looking tables! However, there's also a quite steep learning curve to the system. Never fear, though, in our cover feature, we'll teach you how to get the most out of it.