Thanks to Edward Snowden, users have become aware of global intelligence tapping into private communication. The revelations related to the NSA affair may not have exactly ended the tapping of communications and user data, but more and more users now think they should do something to protect their privacy. The WhatsApp alternative Threema, for example, won a lot of users in a short time for better protecting their communication.
A huge player in modern communication – apart from newcomers like WhatsApp and Threema – is the classic Skype, for which Microsoft paid $8.5 million in 2011. WhatsApp is still a relatively recent phenomenon, but Skype has long been criticized for secretly reading and analyzing user data.
In 2013, information went public that Microsoft in general and Skype specifically were involved in the NSA Prism scandal. Since then, data-aware users should assume that communication over Skype is going to spied on by unscrupulous intelligence agencies that will collect and evaluate user data.