Unlike other operating systems, Linux desktop environments usually include a multitude of small applications that range from electronic notebooks and image viewers to RSS readers. All of these applications help to make daily work in an office setting easier. However, it is most often the case that the various tools have to be individually called, they are not connected to one another, and menu navigation frequently varies from one tool to the next. As a result, it can take some time to become familiar with how a tool works. Moreover, simultaneous operation of several tools can be inconvenient.
Makagiga [1] takes a different and integrated approach to providing tools for daily use. Distributed under the free Apache 2.0 license, the solution has a uniform interface covering a diverse selection of small programs. The programs dovetail into one another, thus making for efficient use.
Makagiga is available for download as a 7Z archive from [1]. The archive is about 33MB in size. Install 7Z with