Parted Magic 5.8, a live light-weight Linux distribution developed for partitioning hard drives, can now be fully loaded into RAM and booted.
Yorba, developers of Shotwell, the open source photo manager for GNOME, announced that version 0.8.0 is now available.
Yorba, developers of Shotwell, the open source photo manager for GNOME, announced that version 0.8.0 is now available.
A partial database of Mozilla's user accounts were inadvertently left on a publicly accessible server.
The Debian unstable based OS, aptosid, is now available for download.
A preview of Xonotic 0.1--a free, open source, licensed under GPL, first person shooter game--is now available.
The Debian based Linux Mint Edition (LMDE) is now available for download.
Avian 0.4 is a portable virtual machine (VM) that utilizes subsets of Java's features.
"Where will KDE be in five years,"asks KDE e.V. board member, Frank Karlitschek, and the K16 planning meetings aim to focus community members 'visions' for the project to answer this question.