Plans for the First Qt Contributors’ Summit Continue


The first Qt Contributors’ Summit is scheduled to be held at the ParkInn Alexanderplatz in Berlin, Germany on June 16-18, 2011.

Since the official announcement of the Qt Contributors’ Summit, plans for this three day, invite only, adapted un-conference event continue at a steady pace.

The Qt Contributors’ Summit is about including the community and partners in the Qt processes and workflows as it brings together developers who contribute to Qt. With approximately 250 attendees expected, this summit is planned as part of Qt's move to open governance and is viewed as a valuable opportunity to share the work completed on its open governance move. While the event is invitation only, organizers stress that everybody can request an invitation; however, part of the request for invitation is that interested attendees should include the personal contributions made to Qt or other appropriate justification for attending because as organizers point out, "This isn’t a spectator event!"

Organizers ask that those who are interested in an invitation submit requests no later than April 9, 2011 so that all invitations can be sent out the week of April 15, 2011.

The Qt Contributors’ Summit wiki contains information on the criteria for receiving an invitation, the topic list, attendees (when announced), practicalities (accommodations, travel, food, schedule, social events etc) and more.

Qt is a cross-platform application and UI framework which allows users to write web-enabled applications once and deploy them across desktop, mobile and embedded operating systems without rewriting the source code. Qt platform support includes Embedded Linux, Mac OS, Windows, Linux/X11, Windows CE, Symbian, and Maemo/MeeGo.

( Amber Graner)

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