Jitsi is a versatile chat program. The Java program can handle all popular instant messaging protocols and even video IP telephony.
© Mipan, Fotolia
Jitsi is a versatile chat program. The Java program can handle all popular instant messaging protocols and even video IP telephony.
The Jitsi program [1], previously known as SIP Communicator, is a real jack-of-all-trades. As an instant messenger, it uses the XMPP protocols (Jabber, Google Talk, and Facebook Chat), ICQ, AIM, .NET Messenger Service, Yahoo! Messenger, and SIP. It also uses SIP and the Jingle XMPP extension for audio and video communications and desktop sharing.
The stable version 1.0 is currently on the Jitsi servers for downloading. With a Java runtime environment (JRE) as a prerequisite, Linux, Mac, and Windows users can chat equally comfortably with the program. Ubuntu users can install the jitsi_1.0-latest package for 32-bit and 64-bit architectures.
If the Jitsi window doesn't show up under Kubuntu 12.10, you may have to switch the Java version (see the "Jitsi and Java" box). After clicking the link to the .deb file in the browser, a window opens in Ubuntu that proposes to load the package and all its dependencies onto your hard disk. The installation then creates a new repository (in the source named in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jitsi.list file) so that you can get the usual updates, upgrades, and patches for Jitsi.
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