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Issue 29: Innovation: Peek Into the Future of Linux

The Future of Linux: Linux is trailblazing when it comes to innovating in the IT world. Every new Internet service, every AI running on multi-node clusters, every new way people work and play together is Linux-based. There is even more to come. We peek into the future and uncover what is coming to a computer near you.

Table of Contents


New Meaning

What's new in Ubuntu 16.04

Xpanking New

Ubuntu 16.04 – Xenial Xerus, 32 & 64 bits

On the DVD

From catch-up to leader


Innovation in the Linux environment

A New Beginning

Clear Linux: A cloud distro for Intel processors

Clear Sighted

Use multiple distributions at the same time with Bedrock Linux

Fundamental Foundations

RebeccaBlackOS with Wayland instead of X11

Radical Reconstruction

Testing Void Linux, an independent distribution

Into the Void

Remastering script for Ubuntu


Fine-tuning LaTeX documents

Repeated Corrections

Working with SQLiteStudio

Data Workshop


Pyspread – The Spreadsheet with a Python connection

Scales & Cells

A perfect Unity adapted to you


Seven video editing programs for Linux

Movie Makers

Editing videos with Pitivi and OpenShot

Fresh Cuts

Using Stellarium to generate animated simulations

Space Odyssey

Installing Ubuntu 16.04

Installation Party

NetworkManager and system updates

Active Traffic


Software management in Ubuntu 16.04

Today's Specials


Multimedia components and proprietary programs

That's Entertainment

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Pages: 100

Price $15.99
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