The Ubuntu toolbox is jam-packed with interesting stuff. So much so, it is sometimes easy to miss what you really need. In this issue, we'll try and solve that.
Ying Feng Johansson,
The Ubuntu toolbox is jam-packed with interesting stuff. So much so, it is sometimes easy to miss what you really need. In this issue, we'll try and solve that.
Ubuntu's repositories come with literally tens of thousands of packages. With so many apps to choose from, sometimes you may not know what to look for when searching for a tool for a specific task. Other times, and if you're like me, you'll just get distracted and end up installing something that has nothing to do with what you were originally looking for, just so you can play with it.
To address this problem, we have compiled in this issue a set of articles that cover tools to deal with software and system administration, distribution deployment, command-line scripting, and security.
Take for example, our article on apt-fast. Apt-fast is the answer to slow and scatty Internet connections. Apt-fast allows you to identify the fastest mirror servers – usually those geographically nearer to you – and use them in parallel to download chunks from whichever is faster at any given moment.
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There is the idea that Linux and, by extension, Ubuntu, is only good for developers and experimenting. This perception is wrong.
Apt-fast speeds up software installation under Debian, Ubuntu, and all its derivatives.
You don't have to be paranoid to realise that there is a war on privacy. Unless you protect yourself you have a lot to lose. Ubuntu and the stories in the Features section of this issue can help you beef up your defences.
*buntu distros are great and all, but, if you stick to one flavor and never dip your toes into the really vast and, admittedly, sometimes scary sea of Linux distros, you'll never really know what you're missing.
Your privacy is threatened left, right and center. And it is not only online criminals snooping on your data, but also meddling government agencies and unscrupulous companies. Either way, there are still things you can do to fight back.
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