FOSSCON is this weekend in Rochester, NY. Speaking at this event will be Ubuntu's own, Jorge Castro.Jorge works on the Ubuntu Community Team, with Daniel Holbach, David Planella, and Jono Bacon. Jorge has boundless energy and a sense of humor to match. Here's what Jorge had to say on his Launchpad page:"If you're an upstream developer I want to work with you! Need daily builds? Help with Launchpad? Have bug and patch workflow problems? Need someone to show you around how Ubuntu wor... more »
In this People, Personalities, and Planners interview series I am catching up with Southeast Linux Fest 2010 (SELF10) speaker coordinator, Jeremy Sands. Jeremy is the master negotiator and sets out to get the best price as well as return on investment for the event. Jeremy has the ability to keep the SELF10 Staff and other volunteers laughing and enjoying what they are working on with his relaxed Southern mannerisms, h... more »
In this People, Personalities, and Planners interview I talk to Dave Yates--board member,Southeast Linux Fest. if you are attending SELF '10 please take a moment to locate Dave and say "hi". Whether you are a seasoned Linux user or just curious as to what Linux and Open Source is all about Dave puts users at ease and welcomes all to participate in and enjoy not only SELF'10 but Linux events around the communi... more »
In this People, Personalities, and Planners interview I talk to David Nalley--board member,Southeast Linux Fest. I have to pause here and mention that SELF09 was the 1st Linux Fest I had ever attended and throughout the last year have gotten to know many of the attendees, volunteers and planners that I met there. It is my hope that through this and the upcoming SELF interviews that you will get to know them as well.Int... more »
This week I am kicking off the People, Personalities, and Planner's: Who's behind your FOSS events?One way of getting involved in the Ubuntu Community is by attending events. Most of the events throughout 2010 will have some element of the Ubuntu Community involved in them. There will be Ubuntu Community members speaking at main events or specialty events such as Women in Open Source, and/or Ubucon's, some will be planners, others will be staffing an Ubuntu LoCo Booth, and others will be lend... more »
Most of us have reminders about events, appointments, birthday's, and so on. We use our phones, computers, day timers, lists – and yes, some of us even post information on the refrigerator. Well the Ubuntu Community is no different. We have The Fridge , a reminder to the community of those meetings that we want you to participate in and be part of. So today let's take at a closer look at The Fridge. The Frid... more »

Follow along as Ubuntu enthusiast and Community organizer Amber Graner helps put the "You" in Ubuntu.

Amber Graner is an active Ubuntu community member and organizer who encourages everyone around her to participate, support, and learn about Ubuntu and Open Source. With a smile and a sense of humor, Amber reminds people that there is a place for everyone in the Ubuntu community – regardless of technical skill level (or lack thereof). She is constantly looking for people, places, and events within the Ubuntu community that help inspire Ubuntu users to participate actively within the Ubuntu community. Email Amber at amber AT ubuntu-user DOT com.


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