In this interview, I talk to Ohio LinuxFest Planner, Esther "Moose" Filderman. Amber Graner: Can you tell us a little about you and your role with the Ohio LinuxFest? How long you have worked on this event? Esther "Moose" Filderman: This year, I'm the "Content Chair", a name made-up on the fly (by Beth Lynn Eicher) for the fact that I'm responsible for a sizable chunk of the programming c... more »
LinuxFests like this one in Ohio is just one of the many ways FOSS and especially Ubuntu users can get involved with the Ubuntu Community and at the same time experience the greater FOSS Communities. It's important to let people know that by attending an event like this you are supporting FOSS and participating in these communities. Everyone is welcome and whether you installed Ubuntu yesterday or you are a seasoned Li... more »
With Ohio LinuxFest just around the corner I thought it was about time we added the planners for this awesome LinuxFest to join in the People, Personalities, and Planners series. In this first interview for the Ohio LinuxFest Planners I am talking to Beth Lynn Eicher . Before we move on to the questions I have to give a little background about meeting Beth Lynn for the first time I want to share.  It was last y... more »
In this People, Personalities, and Planners interview I talk to David Nalley--board member,Southeast Linux Fest. I have to pause here and mention that SELF09 was the 1st Linux Fest I had ever attended and throughout the last year have gotten to know many of the attendees, volunteers and planners that I met there. It is my hope that through this and the upcoming SELF interviews that you will get to know them as well.Int... more »
Today on the Ubuntu-announce mailing list where all the great Ubuntu announcements are made, Steve Langasek, Ubuntu Release Manager, sent out the announcement to the community that Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - Beta 1 has been released. Below is the announcement in total: The Ubuntu team is pleased to announce the first beta release of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Long-Term Support) Desktop, Server, and Netbook editions and of Ubuntu 10.04 Server for Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC) and Amazon's EC2. Codenamed &... more »

Follow along as Ubuntu enthusiast and Community organizer Amber Graner helps put the "You" in Ubuntu.

Amber Graner is an active Ubuntu community member and organizer who encourages everyone around her to participate, support, and learn about Ubuntu and Open Source. With a smile and a sense of humor, Amber reminds people that there is a place for everyone in the Ubuntu community – regardless of technical skill level (or lack thereof). She is constantly looking for people, places, and events within the Ubuntu community that help inspire Ubuntu users to participate actively within the Ubuntu community. Email Amber at amber AT ubuntu-user DOT com.


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