No More PS3 CD Builds for Natty
In an email to the ubuntu-devel-announce mailing list, Colin Watson, Ubuntu Developer at Canonical, announced that the daily PlayStation 3 CD builds have stopped for the Natty cycle.
"Changes made by Sony to the "Other OS" facilities of the PS3 have made it increasingly difficult for people with new systems to run Ubuntu on them, and there seem to be hardly any developers with the interest and ability to keep the CD images working," Watson said in the email. "Building separate CD images for PS3 takes a substantial amount of resources (disk space, time required to run the powerpc and powerpc+ps3 live filesystem builds sequentially, developer time to fix problems, and so on), and right now it doesn't seem to be worth it," he added.
For more information on Watson's announcement can be found on the ubuntu-announce-mailing list.