Strangely enough, I start my second blog explaining myself. Mostly because while accentuating the positive in my first post, I did come off as quite critical in what I felt were weaknesses in Ubuntu and the various other buntus. Today, I'm going to complain again though I hope you, and maybe someone at Ubuntu, will find some of what I have to say useful. After all, I believe that Ubuntu, and Canonical, produce a great product and do great things for Linux, FOSS, and the community. Besides, to... more »

The expanse of space surrounding Planet *buntu is getting busier and busier. As a result, achieving a stable orbit is particularly difficult when you're easily distracted. Consequently, Marcel Gagné's blog looks at pretty much anything and everything that orbits Planet *buntu. News, howtos, rumors, opinions, controversy, tech tips, helpful hints . . . you'll find it all here. Oh look! A shiny object!

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